Thursday 31 March 2016

union strength.

union is a power .if a person work alone the work finish in year.

when the people work together the work finish in week.

for example a person make a home the take a long time for the building

the home if many people work together to make a home the build the home

in many days.

Monday 28 March 2016

union strength.

when we work together it is called union.

when we work together we solved any problem.

when we all in union not break us.union is not breaking things.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Union strength.

Union strength is a good policy.

those people are success in the world who make community

and work together. when people work together solve the any

any problem .
which country success in the world those work in a community shape.

these people work together. get the happy life.
and solve any problem

who want happy life need to make a community do work together.

this is the good policy of successful life .Enjoy in the life.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Union strength.

Union of the weakest develops strength not wisdom,.
All your strength is in your union.
our family is a circle of strength and love.

Sunday 13 March 2016

what is union strength?

there is so much required of a wife and some even

more as a know each one of our needs

and each measure of strength we need.

may your Holy spirit anoint us,guide us,

inspire us,and help us to do all that we do

with joy overflowing. renews and restore us of my lord.
Strength of character means the ability to overcome

resentment against others.

to hide hurt feelings and to forgive


Unity is strength .

when there is teamwork and collaboration

wonderful things can be achieved  

Thursday 10 March 2016

what is trade union?

Trade Union Strength is based on each member having

an equal say and together building a collective voice.

Some people are more confident than others.

As long as the less confident members of a union have

more or less the same views as the more confident ,

nothing will go far wrong .

this is often the case with groups of women.

The established way of doing things which a male

dominated organization has built up over decades can lead to

to a sense of exclusion for women.


like me,

what is union strength?

Industrial Union:

                             if the workers from the different categories from into Union,

that union is called "industrial union" these are vertical union.

the Lagic behind formation of industrial unions is that workers of the same

industry have the common bend and they are governed by same rules and

regulation and are administered by the same management importance of

these unions is increasing these days.

Join facility for collective bargaining ,demand for uniformity in the

principle governing all aspects of service and working conditions ,and

scope for coordination of different section,levels and natures of 

industry are advantages.  

Tuesday 8 March 2016

what is union strength?

Union of the weakest develops strength not wisdom.

can all men,together ,avenge one of the leaves

that have fallen in autumn? But the wise man

avenges by  building his city in snow.

All your strength is in your union,

All your danger is in discord.

therefore be at peace henceforward,

and as brothers live together.

Monday 7 March 2016

what is Union strength?

"The strength of the team is each individual member.

the strength of each member is the team"

union membership

is like a gym membership.

Dues are paid to be part of a group with similar interests and goals .

But,just like a gym ,if we don,t participate ,we don,t get STRONGER

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Union is strength.

One day,a large group of parrots were flying about in search of food.

it reached the thick of a dense forest,one of them said:

"Brothers"we have taken a very long flight, so ,we are feeling tired,

i think we should take some rest on the ground.

A splendid idea ! But we should get down at the place where we can

find food also.if we don't get any food ,our families will also have to

go without food ,"replied a middle -aged parrot"

the argument of the middle -aged parrot silenced the first parrot

and the ground went on flying ,suddenly ,the saw corn grains

scattered on the ground the first parrot said "look !there are

come grains"